Well, October is upon us, and you know what that means: Halloween decorating can begin! Have some of you already started? Whether you want to decorate your home for all of October or just in time to host a Halloween party (or trick-or-treaters) at the end of the month, we have some ideas for how to decorate for Halloween in Mid-Century style!

Sweets and treats have been an important part of Halloween for as long as we can remember, and certainly back in the 1950s and 60s as well. One great way that you can decorate is by baking and creating treats that double as decorations, and using your fabulous Mid-Century serving plates to display them! For example, you could decorate a cake in one of these retro styles:

Baking a cake or a batch of festive cupcakes is a great opportunity to show off your beautiful Mid-Century serving plates!

photo credit: ancient history via photopin cc

photo credit: ancient history via photopin cc

When decorating the outside of your house for Halloween with a Mid-Century flair, remember that Mad Men-era families didn’t have solar-power lights to decorate with (although they are a great way to light a path along your sidewalk for trick-or-treaters!). To keep your exterior decorating in Mid-Century theme, consider decorating with festive figurines with a vintage feel, like these ghosts:

photo credit: Јerry via photopin cc

photo credit: Јerry via photopin cc

Another Halloween decoration that is vintage, timeless, and doubles as an activity for your family is carving pumpkins and making jack-o-lanterns! These can decorate both the inside and outside of your house.

photo credit: Sean Loyless via photopin cc

photo credit: Sean Loyless via photopin cc

To keep in-theme with your Mid-Century decorations, you can also try another Halloween decorating technique that gained popularity in the 1950s and 60s: use cotton or polyester fiberfill to create cobwebs along your front door or the trees in your front yard (or even inside your house):

photo credit: armisteadbooker via photopin cc

photo credit: armisteadbooker via photopin cc

photo credit: kartooner via photopin cc

photo credit: kartooner via photopin cc

Many Mid-Century families used and made simple paper decorations, so you can follow suit and keep an authentic vintage feel by making and buying cute, simple paper decorations like the ones in these pictures. This can be a fun activity for kids too – just grab some orange and black construction paper, markers, and scissors, and have fun!

photo credit: Mrs. Jenny Ryan via photopin cc

photo credit: Mrs. Jenny Ryan via photopin cc

photo credit: knitting iris via photopin cc

photo credit: knitting iris via photopin cc

What are your favorite vintage Mid-Century Halloween decorating ideas? Let us know in the comments.