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Last night my day ended with helping my 13 year old son study for his Algebra test. Something about and/or inequalities…to be honest I’m really not sure…math and I don’t have the best relationship.


Anyway, he needed some help so there I am at 11:30 PM trying to grasp algebraic equations that I couldn’t get when I was in 9th grade let alone now, when I am 40 something.  We finally finish up at 12:30 AM and I crawl into bed.

Today started by being jolted awake at 3:30 am by the shrill ring of my cell phone. My11 year old daughter was calling me from her room down the hall.  She had a bad dream and was scared.  Seriously?  Remind me why we bought her a cell phone again?

Times sure have changed.  I would sit in my bed and yell for my mom when I had a bad dream or sucked it up and walked down the dark hallway to her bedroom.

Apparently that’s not how it’s done anymore…nowadays you call your mom on your cell phone to tell her you had a bad dream and then proceed to come to her room using the built in flashlight feature on said cell phone.

Being too scared to go back to her own bed she climbed into bed with my husband and I along with 2 of our cats.  So needless to say there wasn’t much room left so I decided to just get up for the day.

And of course all of this happened on my busiest day this week.  I had to go to work at my part-time job, a staff lunch for a co-workers birthday, help a friend with their computer, pick up my kids at school (which involved picking them up a 2 separate times so I had to make multiple trips back and forth), make dinner and get the kids to do their homework (always a daunting task).  I still have some work to do on my store, and of course submit my blog for the day!

All of this to say I didn’t have the energy to write a proper blog post about something cool and vintage.  Sigh.  Here’s hoping tonight’s sleeping schedule is uninterrupted!

Good Night!

Until Next Time,
