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I picked up a few old magazines at a vintage shop recently that are dated in the early 1950’s. I have had such a great time leafing through them and reading the articles so I thought I would share them with you!

Everywoman’s Magazine (billed as the Woman’s guide to better living)
May 1952 Issue

Everywoman's Magazin May 1952

Everywoman’s Magazine May 1952

The first thing that jumps out at me is the price.  Did you get a look at that?  5 cents per issue!

Ads for different cleaning products, food items, are on every page.  And it seems like every ad for a new food item is accompanied with a recipe or tips on how best to use their products.  Like this advertisement for Vermont Maid Syrup:

Everywoman's Magazine

Tips included are pouring syrup over top of vanilla ice cream for a yummy maple  ice cream sundae!

A room redo gives a before and after shot of one lady’s revamp of an outdated living room.





A woman’s magazine wouldn’t be complete without an article on fashion and this one not only has beautiful photographs of the clothing but also an address to write to get the patterns so you could make the clothing yourself!  Not being a handy sewer myself I imagine I wouldn’t have been one of the smartly dressed women of the 50’s! 🙂


I will be sharing some of the yummy vintage recipes from this issue tomorrow so be sure to visit again!

Until Next Time,
